Fast developed REVE Chat required a complete redesign of the Chat Interface. As a part of Young team I had been assigned to create competitor analysis report and based on modern trend create a chat window that will be clean.
Time: 1 weeks
To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted and obfuscated confidential information in this case study. The information in this case study is my own and uploaded by the permission of the company.
I was responsible to competitor analysis report, giving a solution and create the Visual design.
The main challenge is to redesign the interface by miking minimum changes in HTML structure.
I talked to developer team and logically convinced them to change the icons and using SVG.
I was told to create different versions by keeping HTML almost same. And here it is what I came up with.
Going from very old design to desire result was not easy. In the whole process I had to do A/B testing to choose one option. Since A/B testing is a bit expensive so I tried with colleagues, support managers who are dealing clients, helped us out. At the end I was able to create a design which is modern and clean.